Registering the legal address of a sole proprietorship or a limited liability company

Registering a legal address of a sole proprietorship or a limited liability companyThe representative address of a Czech company or the place where it performs business activity is the address at which a company must be registered in the Czech Republic. A legal location is considered to be the address where proprietor activity is performed. This is noted on the Commercial register and is indicated on all official documents related to the entrepreneurship after registration. A business can have several addresses or physical locations that are linked to activity, for example offices and departments, but it may only register one legal address. The possession of a legal address or the registration of a sole proprietorship can lead to business development. Potential clients trust relationships with institutions that are recognised by the state. Therefore, it is necessary to take this matter seriously and outsource this work to professionals.

The legal address of a company

A legal address is the location of a legal person, who is registered on the Commercial register and is referenced in the authorized documents. The decision regarding a legal location is to be taken by the applicant who submits the documents to the register.
There are no restrictions on legal addresses for companies within the Czech Republic. For the moment, there is only one condition: if a company’s legal address is located in an apartment, the usage of this flat must not harm the silence and good order in the block of flats. Regarding state institutions, a legal location defines the territory a company belongs to. The Czech Commercial Court and the Czech Financial Institution (the tax inspectorate) are also bound to this address.

The location of a sole proprietorship

The same restriction applies to sole proprietorships that have opened addresses in the Czech Republic. If one rents a property in the country, having come to an agreement with the owner of that property, it is possible to register the place of living as the address of an enterprise. In this case, the owner of the property sets a legal location.
When changing a rental property, it will be necessary to change the legal address of the proprietorship at an additional cost.

Our prices

Legal address for an SP 7200 CZK 6000 CZK
A company’s legal address 7200 CZK 6000 CZK

Why should one order a legal address through DoMyTax?

  • Our legal addresses meet all legislative standards, particularly law №89/2012 Sb and the court practises 43 and 48, which cover ‘an Agreement on establishing European society’. They also satisfy the most important requirements of tax legislation (taxation law № 235/2004 Sb and ‘the law on value added tax’ №280/2004 Sb);
  • We’ve been successfully working on the market since 2006, accounting for and assisting hundreds of companies legally, providing the guarantee of a high-quality and professional approach. 
  • In the scope of registering a legal location, we’ll clarify the details of correspondence received from both legal and financial points of view. 
  • We provide reliable legal addresses so that a company or a sole proprietor in the Czech Republic can transfer correspondence into their own name.

To learn more about the provision or registration of legal addresses in the Czech Republic, feel free to contact us via the form on our website, via our on-site chat function or on the phone number: +420 228 229 092.

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